If we retire to New Jersey from New York, will our taxes go down?
By Karin Price Mueller | NJMoneyHelp.com for NJ.com Q. My wife is 65 and I’m 68. We are thinking about moving and retiring to New Jersey...
By Karin Price Mueller NJMoneyHelp.com for NJ.com
Under the SECURE Act, can I convert to a Roth IRA?
Q. With the passing of the SECURE Act, is it still possible to convert some of our qualified tax-deferred accounts after we retire to a...
By Karin Price Mueller NJMoneyHelp.com for NJ.com
I’m retired. How much do I have to pay in state taxes?
Q. I turn 62 in March 2020. My pension before taxes and health insurance is $1,509 per month. I will be collecting $1,500 a month from...
By Karin Price Mueller NJMoneyHelp.com for NJ.com
This part of the pension exclusion is unfair, taxpayer says
Q. I filed my father’s taxes and they only allowed me to exclude his $39,600 pension. In reading the pension exclusion rules further, it...
By Karin Price Mueller NJMoneyHelp.com for NJ.com
I’m moving back to New Jersey. How will my pension be taxed?
Q. I am a former resident of New Jersey and I will be moving back with my wife next year. We are both retired teachers receiving pensions...
By Karin Price Mueller NJMoneyHelp.com for NJ.com
Will my retirement account stop me from getting unemployment benefits?
Q. Due to a workforce reduction, I was terminated by my former employer. Shortly after, I took my retirement account, fully funded by my...
By Karin Price Mueller NJMoneyHelp.com for NJ.com
Should employer-paid health care benefits be reported on every W-2?
Q. I am retired but I get a W-2 for a small amount, but it is subject to Social Security, Medicare and other taxes just as I was still...
By Karin Price Mueller NJMoneyHelp.com for NJ.com
Can I collect Social Security from my husband? He died 20 years ago.
You may be eligible to collect benefits on a spouse's record. (pixabay.com) Q. My spouse died in 1998. We were married 20 years at that...
By Karin Price Mueller NJMoneyHelp.com for NJ.com
Double taxation for some IRAs | Biz Brain
A look at what the new tax plan means for some inherited IRAs. (alvimann/morguefile.com) By Karin Price Mueller NJMoneyHelp.com for...
By Karin Price Mueller NJMoneyHelp.com for NJ.com
Does the GOP tax bill change my 401(k)? | Biz Brain
Q. How will the tax plan it affect the deduction for contributing to a 401(k)? -- Saver A. The tax bill does change so much, but 401(k)...