Videos and Press
We All Have Dreams in Life
National Assoc. Professional Financial Advisors
We all have dreams in life, and a fee-only financial adviser can help you reach them. Contact Bernie Kiely of Kiely Capital Management to day to learn what a CFP can do for you. The only thing he sells is good advice.

Winding Road to Success in Personal Financial Planning
New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants
“I’m an expert in what doesn’t work,” says Bernie Kiely. He’s right, of course. Consider the case of a fresh faced 17-year-old Navy recruit standing up for inspection.

The Failure to Prepare: Protecting Your Family's Future
Video interview with Maria Bartiromo for the Wall Street Journal
Many Americans still have not prepared themselves financially nor their families for the possibility of a sudden loss. My next guest knows all too well the consequences of failing to prepare. Bernard Kiely’s … been named one of the country's best financial advisors by Worth Magazine. Bernie, it is so nice to have you with us, thanks for joining us.

Taking Financial Planning to New Heights
Stuart Kahan for CPA Wealth Provider
When you meet Kiely for the first time and one is immediately disarmed. He is soft spoken, listens intently to every word one says, and then responds succinctly and to the point. He very rarely wastes words.