Kiely and You!

Kiely Capital Management's mission is to help you achieve your life's goals through informed financial planning. We will guide you through the uncertainties of long-term decision making so you can enjoy peace of mind and financial security. We believe that no one should have to make important financial decisions alone.
Our mission is NOT to see investment or insurance products. We receive no commissions of referral fees. We work only for our clients.
What does it mean to be "Fee-Only?"
Click here to learn more.

Over 10 years ago, you helped my husband and me decide to retire ... and we've never regretted it! We've been living in Naples, FL, since 2003 and loving it. Don't know if we would have taken the plunge if not for you!
Hope all is well ... and thanks again after all these years!
Sandy Parker

Bernie, I really appreciate the relationship we have shared over the years, and hope this will continue, informally, in the future. I have a huge amount of respect for you and what you have done for me, and will continue to recommend you to my friends and others who are more conveniently located to your office. Don’t hesitate to use me as a reference. And, certainly consider me as your man in Naples should you ever be in need of something here that I might be able to help you with. I hope I can still turn to you if some New Jersey issues arise in my life that would benefit from your skills or contacts.
David George

I write to congratulate you on being recognized by the National Association of Personal Financial Advisers (NAPFA) as one of the 30 most influential professionals in advancing the concept of Fee-Only financial planning and its importance to the public. Your contributions have not only helped NAPFA achieve its mission, but also helped to strengthen the CRP® certification and further the financial planning profession.
Kevin R. Keller, CAE
CEO, CFP Board