How does N.J. tax these retirement distributions?
By Karin Price Mueller | NJMoneyHelp.com for NJ.com Q. I am 67 years old, married, and have $800,000 in traditional IRAs, 401(k)s and...

By Karin Price Mueller NJMoneyHelp.com for NJ.com
Must I take distributions from each of my retirement accounts?
Q. I have a 401(k) and several IRAs. Next year, I’ll have to start taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs). Do I have to take an RMD...

By Karin Price Mueller NJMoneyHelp.com for NJ.com
We have $204,000 in income. Can we qualify for the pension exclusion?
Q. Do my spouse and I qualify for the pension exclusion? We are both over age 62, and last year we earned: $75,000 from IRA/401(k)...
By Karin Price Mueller NJMoneyHelp.com for NJ.com
Does the GOP tax bill change my 401(k)? | Biz Brain
Q. How will the tax plan it affect the deduction for contributing to a 401(k)? -- Saver A. The tax bill does change so much, but 401(k)...

By Karin Price Mueller | NJMoneyHelp.com for
Jobless? How to raid your 401(k) | Biz Brain
You may be able to use early withdrawals from retirement accounts, without penalty, under certain circumstances. (ronmerk/morguefile.com)...